Here a skype interview released by an Italian TV Channel (RTV 38).
Pity it is in Italian, but I hope someone of you will be able to understand it. It explains a bit of me, my job, how and why I decided to start my business. Enjoy!
"the best colour in the world is the colour that looks good on you" C.Chanel
Yesterday, Thursday the 12th, there have been a workshop organized by Stefania Bartolomei, about the colour as powerful styling tool!
Of all the styling tools, colour is maybe the most underestimated, yet it has the great power to affect not only our look but also our mood.
As the right colour can, in fact, confer us a healthy look, enhancing our features, making our eyes shine bright and our skin looks like porcelain, so the wrong colour can wash us out, highlighting the eye circles and the skin flaws. We perceive the effects that colours have on us, but most of the time we are not aware of it and we think that the causes of our look, whether it is good or not, are entirely of physical and mental status nature.
Being conscious of what our best colours are can really have an effect on our attitude. as I always say : when you look good, you feel good! And when you feel good, you have more self confidence, so you can be successful and get what you are aiming to, that in the social life as well as in business.
Let's go deeper now into the technical side of the workshop and its subject.
As you probably know, one of the services that Stefania offers to her clients is the colour analysis; the seasonal color analysis (to be precise) is a scientific way to determine's people best colours.
As in nature, the seasonal colour analysis is based on the 4 seasons : spring, summer, autumn and winter.
These seasons recall the colours that we can find in nature, from spring, with its bright, powerful and warm colours , that become softer and lighter in summer, to autumn, with everything getting warmer and deeper, to the winter, with its crispy and sharp colours and its high contrasts.
The colour drapes, used for the colour analysis, recall the properties of the seasons in nature, reproducing the same general characteristics.
The same characteristics can then be found in our own features. So, generally speaking, people with light soft coloring would most likely belong to summer, while people with dark colours and high contrasts in their features would most likely belong to winter.
But it is not easy to recognize all this values in ourselves and there can be also exceptions. So it must be clear that this are general rules and that the only way to build up our palette of best colours, in the end, is to have a professional colour analysis.
During the workshop Stefania shown the effect of the colours on our features, whether they are good or wrong, explaining how to recognize our features through 3 values:
temperature (warm vs cold)
brightness (soft vs bright)
light (light vs dark)
giving eventually practical examples on how to make the most of our colours through the use not only of clothes but also of accessories, make-up and hair colour choices.
At the end of She also did a funny "celebrity game", where people were called to guess the properties, and so the season, of some star, among which Lucy-Liu, Amy Adams, Cate Blanchett, Julia Roberts and so on... this was lot of fun!
The workshop has been a great success! The atmosphere was cozy and nice and seen the great enthusiasm shown by the public Stefania will surely plan another one very soon!
In the meantime, if you want to find out more about the subject and discover what is your season and what are your best colours book your session with Stefania writing at stefania@oneofastyle.com
Special thanks go to : Veronika Damiani for the make-up of the models; Laura & Kim for being my models.
There's always something new to know about fashion... new trends, new brands and new connections! Visiting this trade shows, even as image consultant and not a buyer, can be very interesting and gives you new inputs and ideas for your clients, and even new connections, that are always important!
And I am very happy and proud to see lots of Italian names to thrive among the PURE LONDON's stalls today with their genuine made-in-Italy products. This is not a good moment, the fashion marked is full of valuable and fierce competitors and it is very difficult to conceive innovative and unconventional ideas with; but I've seen good proposals today, for quality and originality, between lots of cheap and, I daresay, dull products. I really hope that the buyers had noticed the same , choosing their suppliers wisely!