ONE OF A STYLE | Personal Stylist

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 Menopause is a transformative phase in a woman’s life and it’s not just about physical changes. It can be an excellent opportunity for personal growth and self-expression – something I am all for at any stage of life!

As hormonal shifts occur, our bodies can change too, making our personal style potentially shift too.

If you are welcoming menopause and unsure what this means for your personal style, or if you’re feeling unsure how to make your wardrobe work for you, here are some tips.

Embrace comfort

Now is the perfect time in your life to embrace comfortable clothing. Menopause can bring hot flashes, and with this we don’t want to be wearing fabrics that stick and make us feel uncomfortable. I recommend looking for breathable and loose-fitting clothing excellent choices. There are even brands like Become Clothing and Fifty One Apparel who have created comfortable, professional and activewear clothing that is specifically designed to tackle these symptoms.

If you are someone that steers clear of loose fitting clothes or the clothes that tend to be more on the relaxed side, look for fabrics that complement the change in temperature but still feel right for your personal style. For example, for some a pair of jogging bottoms and a tee are their idea of heaven, however, you can still feel comfortable in a linen dress, wide legged trousers and a cotton blouse.

Don’t be afraid to play bold

At this stage in your life, I want to challenge you to really embrace bold, confidence-boosting styles! If you haven’t done this before, now is the time. Oftentimes, once the ups and downs of the perimenopause hormonal changes have left, you may find yourself with a new sense of self-assuredness and confidence. This is the perfect time to experiment with bolder make up choices, accessories and hair styles!

Play with those colours and bolder ideas to really show off your new confidence and next stage in your life.

Time for a wardrobe revamp?

This is the perfect time to declutter and revamp your wardrobe. As your body evolves, certain pieces in your wardrobe may no longer serve you and your needs. Get rid of them now, and let your wardrobe breathe. You may want to look at different styles and shapes for your body to boost your confidence even further. Adding pops of colour to add even more joy to your outfits to step out in.

Embrace the change

While menopause is a big change in our lives, it is time to embrace the change and let your style evolve along with it.

Now is a great time to try out new styles and see what the next stage in your life can look like. Look for inspiration from other women who are at this stage in their lives, and see which styles they wear. The likes of Goldie Hawn, Helena Bonham Carter, Diane Keaton and Cate Blanchett all fall within the age range of menopause for women, and have a varied sense of style.

If you are heading into this part of your life, and you’re unsure what this means for your style, I’d love to help.